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Facebook General Black-out
General Black-out On october 4th, all Facebook services were back online after an outage that lasted over 5 hours. Reports of problems with Facebook apps appeared on a website called DownDetector on Monday around 17.30 CET. At...

Mediabrands releases first-of-its-kind media responsibility audit of social media platforms
YouTube’s Headstart In Brand Safety Efforts Help Them Top The Audit Rankings Mediabrands today released its Media Responsibility Audit, the first-of-its-kind, as part of a larger effort aimed at enhancing brand safety and media responsibility in advertising. The...

Acxiom kondigt oplossing en services aan voor Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)
Dit nieuwe aanbod biedt merken de kans om het rendement van hun CDP investeringen te versnellen en te verbeteren Hoeilaart –27 juli 2020 — Acxiom®, het client intelligence bedrijf dat in 2019 door IPG is gekocht wiens oplossingen op first party data gebaseerd zijn,...

UM Impact Day
Le 16 juillet, pour la troisième année consécutive, l’ensemble des collaborateurs d’UM Worldwide se mobilisent pour des bonnes causes. Le temps d’une journée citoyenne, ils travailleront au service de diverses associations humanitaires, ONG ou pouvoirs publics. UM...

The CIM launches the CIM Radio Stream Monitor
For years, the institute measures the total audience of radio stations in Belgium, the “CIM RAM” study (Radio Audience Measurement). In addition to this study, there is a new survey that focuses entirely on online radio: the new CIM Radio Stream Monitor tracks the...

Mediabrands Introduces Media Responsibility Principles to Improve Brand Safety & Brand Responsibility in Advertising
Mediabrands released its 10 Media Responsibility Principles (MRP) as part of a larger effort to balance brand safety and brand responsibility in advertising. While “Brand Safety” protects the brand, “Brand Responsibility” protects the communities that a brand serves,...

Reprise Nederland lanceert E-commerce hub voor EMEA
Digital marketing en performance bureau Reprise lanceert een nieuwe EMEA E-commerce Hub. Met deze hub worden merken en retailers binnen Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika geholpen digitaal te groeien. Reprise adviseert daarbij op het gebied van e-commerce strategie...