
The Truth is Refreshing

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100% automation
Impressions were 100% targeted at the right weather conditions


Constant main objective for Sprite is to recruit teens 16+ whilst building brand love by explaining that Sprite represents authenticity (being true to yourself) with great taste and natural refreshment.
Target group: teens of +16 y.o.

Strategy & solution

Our media strategy must therefore work on two pillars: instantaneousness of thirst quenching and building brand love with disruptiveness.

The campaign was live on :
Online: the target audience is constantly connected via mobile & expect immediacy and relevance in moments of intent. Therefore, the online campaign ran exclusively on mobile and tablet, reaching the target audience wherever they were, in the right moment of intention.
By integrating weather data via programmatic, we enabled the reach of the audience with greater precision. Putting Sprite as top of mind at the best consumption moment: when the weather is fine.

The campaign worked with predefined weather targets and hence will only broadcast – in real time – when weather conditions were reached.


Top of mind at the best consumption moment. Impressions were 100% targeted at the right weather conditions . 100% automation activated in real time.

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