Sporting tournaments like the 2016 UEFA European Championship represent a great opportunity to recruit new players.

Increase conversion by 61%
+ 256% of qualified traffic
Maximize the traffic and increase the number of players over 18 years old, such as football fans and gamblers. Getting the target to bet on the website Scooore.be. This is an ultra competitive environment during sport events such as European Football Championships.
Strategy & solution
To achieve these objectives, we used 1 Strategy based on 3 pillars:
1) Dynamic Advertising: in order to adapt in real time our campaigns in real time, depending on match events. Thanks to our tool, we were able to generate more than 10 000 keywords and combinations dynamically.
2) Moments Marketing: thanks to an external partner, we were able to analyze in real time all content on TV and social media. We adapted the visibility of ads depending on TV programs and activity on social networks.
3) Mobile: thanks to Google insights, we positioned mobile as the core of our strategy to encourage impulsive gambling by specific mobile ads and higher bids during the games.
We observed a significant increase compared to the results obtained during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The mobile represented 54% of the traffic and conversions, this statistic confirmed our strategy based on this device. The strategy of “Moments Marketing” succeeded well also : + 20% of conversions overall. Award: Bronze Amma 2017 – Best use of performance marketing