Light quotes


After 3 years under the “one brand umbrella”, it has been decided to take Coca-Cola light out of the “one brand strategy” of Coca-Cola and re- position it as a unique brand, with its own brand- and visual identity. Also it was important to make a revival of Coca-Cola Light’s brand edge and legacy: glamourous & fashionable.

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Facebook people reached


The challenge was double:
1/ communicate these changes without losing existing players
2/ deliver the main message in a creative way in order to attract new players
Following a workshop with Facebook, two consumer insights emerged:
1/ People’s attention span on social keeps on decreasing
2/ Digital content is consumed differently, based on where you are

Strategy & solution

Translated to our content & media strategy, we realized we needed to flip the classic campaign content funnel by creating a first interest with short videos top of funnel, followed by longer formats once the interest was created.
Top of funnel (awareness):
In this first phase, the goal was to generate a maximum of reach towards the target group to inform them about the New Lotto.
Lower in the funnel (consideration):
In the second phase, we used more immersive & interactive formats to drive consideration


We reached a lot of positive results for both business and brand likeability:Volume (kUC) and individual units increased in the last year, as well as penetration and repeat rate. But let’s be honest, it is difficult to correlate those good business results to the Elle activation.

But what has certainly been influenced by this activation are brand metrics like “for someone like me”, “brand I love” and “great tasting” that increased by more than 5 points within our core audience in the period.

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